2020 was a very challenging year for the young carers. Coronavirus restrictions increased caring hours and pressures on our young carers significantly. The team supported young carers over the phone, through social media, virtual groups, video chats, and by dropping food parcels and activity parcels to their doors. 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of Skye & Lochalsh Young Carers and the young carers designed logos, the chosen logo was printed on hoodies and given out to all the young carers. We will continue to celebrate the anniversary year when it is safe to do so. Our former Chair, Mrs Pat Walsh, was awarded an MBE. Pat was instrumental in the establishment of the Skye and Lochalsh Community Care Forum, which launched the Young Carers Project in 2000. Pat was Chair of SLCCF until February 2018, and continues to be an active member of the fundraising team for the Young Carers Service. We also launched this new website!