From making a donation to raising awareness in your school, workplace or online, there are lots of different ways to help us provide young carers with the support they need.
Whether you’re interested in supporting as an individual, or a group, or taking part in an event, there are lots of ways to support us. If you would like to make a donation, or find out more, please contact us by telephoning 01478 613617 or emailing on Every action you take will help us to identify and support more young carers in Skye & Lochalsh – thank you.
Donate Now
- £10 will pay for a healthy snack for a small group of young carers
- £20 will pay for a young carer to attend a weekly group meeting with other young carers
- £30 will pay for group activities for 18 young carers to help build their confidence
- £50 will pay for a young carer to get a residential break for one night
- £200 will pay for transport for an isolated young carer to be able to attend a support group regularly
- £500 will pay for a day trip for 15 young carers
- £1,000 will provide a young carer with a support group for a year
- £5,000 will pay for a long weekend residential break in Edinburgh for 12 young carers
There are lots of ways you can support us too!
Everyclick – This search engine works just like any other except that our service gets money everytime you use it and it doesn’t cost you anything – please register and give it a try! You can also use their shopping portal which raises money for us without any additional cost to you.
EasyFundraising – This is a shopping portal which includes shops like Debenhams, Ebay, Next and so many more! Once you register just choose us as your charity and start shopping, a commission is given to Skye and Lochalsh Young Carers – it doesn’t cost you a penny more and every penny helps us!
EasySearch – This is another charity search engine which works in the same way as ‘everyclick’ and is linked to the popular yahoo search engine.
Amazon Smile – Sign up to amazon smile and Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to the charitable organisation of your choice.