Marjory who established the Skye & Lochalsh Young Carers service in 2000 retired in October. She will be missed so much. But we welcomed Grant as the new manager of Skye and Lochalsh Young Carers and know that he will continue running the service with the same passion, determination and standard that Marjory set from the beginning. 46 young carers took part in four different activities as part of the Spring respite programme. 39 young carers took part in twelve different activities during the Summer respite programme. 26 young carers along with staff, volunteers, trustees and family members took part in our 2nd annual 5-mile charity rainbow walk to raise funds for 5 charities nominated by the young carers. Our appreciation and gratitude go to The John Casson Foundation and Columba 1400 for enabling young carers to complete the residential Seasons for Growth programme in Staffin, Skye. Huge thanks to The Royal Caledonian Ball Trust, The Big Lottery, BBC Children in Need and two personal benefactors for enabling 12 young carers to have an excellent, long anticipated annual residential respite break in Edinburgh.