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Accept the Past and Grab the Future

Where has the year gone?! We did our very first 5 mile Rainbow Walk to raise money for our 5 nominated charities.  We worked with the ‘Good for You’ Aros Project and held an Arts and Photography Exhibition which resulted in our very popular 2018 calendar being produced.  We also did our first ever self-catering Seasons for Growth and Life Skills Programme in Staffin, thanks to Columba 1400 for the use of the Lodge and The John Casson Foundation for generously funding it for us.  It was a huge relief to us all to have our new ‘Accept the Past and Grab the Future’ Project funded by The Big Lottery and BBC Children in Need for the next 3 years.

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Skye & Lochalsh Young Carers

Victoria Cottage
Hedgefield Road
Isle of Skye
IV51 9TQ

01478 613617