We’ve had a very busy year which brought lots of adventures and changes. We had invitations to the opening of Parliament thanks to MSP Rhoda Grant and to the Patron’s Lunch in London thanks to The Royal Caledonian Charities Trust! We’re grateful to Columba 1400 for allowing us to try out residential life skill development self-catering stays in Staffin, everyone agreed that we wanted more of these breaks in the future. We all reviewed what works well at Young Carers and what could be improved upon for the future, this led on to us developing our new ‘Accept the Past and Grab the Future Project’ and we’re now in the process of applying to The Big Lottery and BBC Children in Need for funding to help make it all happen for us. Our local support is amazing and this year there was even a Gala Dinner and a 70th birthday celebration Dinner/Dance held to help raise funds for us.